
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday Wonders

Jake was our child of the day and read a very funny book: What are Purple Elephants Good For? Listen to him read later tonight on the website.

The highlight of the day for the students had to be the planetarium. They had a GREAT time. I did take LOTS of pictures and as soon as my battery recharges (!) I'll be able to get those up for you to see. Maybe later tonight, but probably tomorrow. There aren't many from inside the facility because of light, but the important thing is the kids learned a lot. Myself, I learned there are 11 planets. I had thought that scientists no longer considered Pluto a planet. We learned today that there are 3 Dwarf Planets: Series (spelling), Pluto, and Eeries (spelling) We have 4 Midget Rocky Planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) 4 Gas Giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus)plus the 3 Dwarf planets and that makes 11. Learn something new everyday!

The highlight of the day for ME was this mornings reading lesson on synthesis and then responding to text. We were being observed by teachers from the North Shore and they were amazed at the deep thinking the students could do. I read the book Gleam and Glow by Eve Bunting and they were making connections to The Lotus Seed and How Many Days to America. (T-T and Author schema) They were inferring...making predicctions/then confirming or denying; Asking questions and using their strategies to answer their questions. Everything you want students to be able to do....they did it. They then wrote their response to the book with a restatement, a GIST answer, 3 supporting details, and then a conclusion. Not only were the teachers blown away..but I was too! Once again....where is my video camera when I need it!

Tomorrow we will go the gym for a Flag Presentation. 1st graders will receive a flag of their own. 2nd graders received theirs last year, but they are excited about learning more and supporting their friends. We also have Junior Achievement, music and art.

Have a GREAT night!

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