
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Snowy Wednesday!

Nathan read Househunting to us today and did a wonderful job! He helped us find clues in the pictures as to what was happening. Great reading, Nathan!

We read the book The Three Pigs by David Wiesner today. We listened to hear when he wrote "I like..." and guess what! He didn't!!!! This was a lesson on moving away from I like stories and getting rid of tired, old, words and phrases. We now have 4 rules for Writers' Workshop:
1. No Talking! Great writers need to concentration. (We will write an ammendment when we get to PEER Review!)
2. When you think you're done, you've just begun! (You can change your story and make it better or write a new one.)
3. No erasing! (They have a special writing pen and if you make a mistake, you have to cross it off.)
4. No more "I like..."

Several students finished stories today so I will be getting those up on the wiki soon. Aayush added one yesterday. Click on student writing and take a look!

We are working on our Holiday Card Projet as well. I've uploaded all the pictures and they have each recorded a voice over. We have one more student who was absent today to record, then we can send it to our friends.

We read the book Atlantic and talked about when our mental images first appear. We then recorded in our Thinking Journals when we read independently when our mental images first appeared...what struck us the most!

In math, first graders worked on part/part/total. (Review the readers' theater video) and 2nd graders worked on measuring temperature.

Enjoy the snow!

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