
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Growing Readers and Writers

We are growing as readers as we learned more about how Reading is THINKING! We made a reading pizza. The pizza crust represents just reading the words: bland. But, when we add our thinking, the pizza toppings, we get flavor and excitement. We enjoy the pizza...our reading.

Students continue to write in their response logs to track their thinking each day.

We had 2 practice fire drills today as well.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Leaving Tracks of our Thinking!

Students all have a reading response journal to leave "tracks of their thinking" each day as they read. Today we learned more about what a read reader is as we learned about checking for understanding.

We also had our annual bus evacuation drill today.

This week students will be meeting with me to set academic and social goals. We have our class goals for each academic area as well as a social goal of walking quietly in the hallway. We're on our way!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday Wonders!

Today students continued to work on building stamina as readers. We practiced reading quietly and then picking out new books quickly and quietly. In writing we drew pictures of our "treasures" as we learned writers write about what is near and dear to them. Students then used their pictures to write about their treasures.

During math workshop, some students worked on sorting and counting. Other students worked on problem solving by making a table and began learning about arrays.

Yesterday students were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up. They learned more about Illinois State University and saw pictures of the campus. Next time you are in the building take a look at the bulletin board. Find your child's picture, learn what they said they wanted to study and see the building or hall where their major is housed.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Community of Learners at Lowrie!

Now that I have all the permission slips in....I thought you might enjoy a few pictures of our beginning days of school. We've been working on building a community, building stamina as readers' and writers' and mathematicians. We are learning how to follow routines and work independently. As children work independently at their level of ability, I can meet in small groups to differentiate the instruction and meet all students needs. Enjoy!