
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week of Jan. 16, 2012

Of course, we had another busy week.  So what else is new!!! 

We continued our work inferring by looking at vocabulary and determining meaning in context of the text.  We then moved at inferring character traits.  We always remember to support our thinking with evidence from the text.

In writing we are learning about writing letters.  We have learned the five parts of a letter and we are writing friendly letters to each other.  This will lead into our unit on persuasive writing.

We finished our unit on geometry and we are working more and more on adding and subtracting with 2 and 3 digit numbers.  We are also learning more and more about trading and borrowing.

We also had a mystery reader this week:  Colin's parents came in and read Bats at the Library.  Thank you!!!

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Alyssa, Owen and Jacob did a great job reading to the class this week.  Thanks!  We love to hear GREAT readers!!!!

Tomorrow is our trip to the planetarium.  This is a FREE field trip and is part of the U-46 Curriculum.  Dr. Hernandez does a FANTASTIC job as the director.  If you have a chance to visit the planetarium...go!  Check out the U-46 website for more details and opportunities to visit.

I will not be at school tomorrow, unfortunately.  My daughter is returning to college and I want to spend time with her before she leaves.  I am MOM favorite role!!!!  I know the substitute will do a great job...everything is already laid out.  The class will be going to the planetarium with Mrs. Tornero's class.  I also spoke to Dr. Hernandez this afternoon who will have a message from me to the class.  I can't wait to hear about all they learn!!

It's been a busy week with Tuesday being a switch day and the kids haven't stopped learning for a minute!  They are doing a wonderful job!  We began learning about inferring at the word level.  This strategy will help understand difficult words through context clues.  We also are finishing up our math unit on geometry.

Have a GREAT weekend...keep the boots handy!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

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We also had or Vision and Hearing screening on Friday.  This week will be just as fun!  Tuesday is a switch day and we will go to P.E., music, and art.  Thursday is Library.  And.....Friday..we will go to the U-46 planetarium!!!!  It's going to be a GREAT week!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Welcome back and welcome to 2012!!!!

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