
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Konrad was our child of the day and had us laughing as he read! GREAT reading, Konrad! We were still talking about our author visit today. So many are excited about going to the library this weekend to check out a Stephen Layne book! I promised the students when the new book comes out next week I will purchase it. We discussed The Wretched Stone today and our inferences. Remember to have your student support their inferences, their predictions, whatever ideas they have, with evidence from the text. We also wrote persuasive letters today. We are learning that we have to have a focus and know our audience. VERY INTERESTING letters!!!! I was asked to change the temperature in the room, and although I was convinced it was a good idea to raise the temperature....I CAN'T! I loved the 1st reason why I should: "Even you, Mrs. Stringham, say it is cold and you wear a sweater!" least this student gets the idea!!! There were also requests for MORE READING....MORE MATH...A LONGER SCHOOL DAY...and the usual more recess time. Our math lesson focused on division story problems. We drew pictures, used counters, use pennies, and more to help us visualize the problems. Have a GREAT night!

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