
Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday Marvels!

Our child of the day, Grier, read The Princess and the Pizza. Thanks, Grier, for reading such a wonderful book with GREAT fluency!

We welcomed Miss Ahrends as our student teacher from Northern. She will be here until the end of the year. Welcome!

In math, 1st graders took a "test": checking progress on unit 5. This is NOT a test in the usual sense of the word, but, truly, a checking progress on their understanding of the concepts so far. I'll send home results soon, but it really gives me an idea where to focus teaching. 2nd graders worked on division number stories.

In reading, we looking at our questions from Amelia's Road. We learned that the THICK questions are the ones that we use our reading strategies (schema, visualizing, inferring) to answer or a combination of our strategies, plus a discussion with others.

We also worked on the /s/ sound: does it start with a S or C? We learned that words that have the vowels: a,o,u, begin with S. (say, some, sum). If the vowel is i or y, it begins with c,(cycle, cylinder, circle) unless the vowel is at the end, then it starts with s. (sly, shy) If the vowel is e, the word begins with c (cent, center).

We also worked on our new word wall words.

In writing we continued on our biographies. The March 19 Biography Tea is being postponed. We will do this after break. We have had too many interruptions lately and I don't want to rush the students.

Tomorrow is library, so be sure and bring your books!

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