
Monday, March 30, 2009

Welcome Back, Monday!

Isabella welcomed us back by reading The Country Race. Great job, Isabella: reading with fluency and leading us through the calendar and classroom pledge!

We began working on several readers' theaters today from our biography unit of study. In addition to repeated readings of our books, readers' theater is a research proven method of improving fluency. Fluency is the bridge between docoding (reading words) and comprehension (REAL reading). We also began working on the comprehension strategy of determining importance. We learned that readers look and listen for "trigger" words (such as: the reason)and readers connect reading on one page with the reading on a previous page.

In writing, we continued working on our biographies. During math workshop, 2nd graders took a "checking progress" assessment and 1st graders worked on math facts and time. We also learned 5 new word wall words.

Tomorrow is picture day, so wear your BEST smiles! We also have library, so be sure to bring your books.

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