
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday!

Alisha was Child of the Day and she read Little Red Riding Hood. We enjoyed listening to this traditional tale. Take a look later tonight on the website and listen as she does a great job reading!
We read the book Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters and listed character traits of each of the main characters. We reviewed the list when we finished and created a sentence using the trait, plus proof from the book, to describe a character. As an example, Nyasha was generous when she shared her food and was brave when she went into the chamber with the two headed snake.
We also did our first word ladder today in word work workshop. We did one together, then they worked on their own, then we reviewed it together. It is in their take home folder today. Word ladders are a great way to get kids to look closely at the letters in words.
In writing, we reviewed transitions from the books we have read this week. We then read a poem and highlighted how the author showed transitions. (show...not tell!).

In math, juniors worked more on the function machine and What's My Rule? Seniors worked more on multiplication arrays. We also had library today.
Don't forget tomorrow is Valentine's Day and we will be celebrating in the afternoon. Be sure and include everyone with your valentine cards.
Stay warm!

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