
Friday, April 4, 2008

Fabulous Friday

Anjali was our Child of the Day and she read Something Beautiful. This is a wonderful book about finding things that are beautiful in our ordinary lives, no matter our circumstances. Anjali chose this book because she liked that the character was able to do this. Look later tonight on the Community of Learners website for the video of her reading this great book. (P.S. Look for Aayush tonight too!)

Natalie added a story to our classroom website: My Bunny Katie.

This was the story that sent Natalie to the office to read to the principal!!! Take a look...go to the Community of Learners website, click on student writing, click on student writing page 2, then click on Natalie's Katie Story. Enjoy! may make you cry as well!

We were so excited to hear from our New Zealand Buddies today! After reading their comment on our blog (check it out under yesterday's post) we pulled up Goggle Earth and zoomed in on their location. We then went exploring all over the world: we went to Sydney Australia and saw the Opera House;Rome, Italy where we saw the Vatican, and Naples,Italy, where we zoomed in on the oceanfront.

We also zoomed backed to American and looked at Liberty School! We ran out of time because we had to go to gym, but we will use this wonderful internet tool next week to explore more places around the world.

You can download Google Earth on your computer if you is free. Just go to Google, click on the feature More...and you'll see it.

We also had visitors (teachers) from another U-46 school who came in to see our classroom as the kids went through our daily phonemic awareness activities. This is the second time they have been observed and they should be proud of themselves as to how well they are doing and other teachers want to see them!!!

In math, the juniors made different polygons, while seniors worked on fractions. We made a video that I will get up on the blog shortly where the juniors show their creations.

We have a field trip Tuesday and we have our reading MAP test on Wednesday. Look for the newsletter Monday night for more information.

Have a GREAT weekend.

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