
Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Marvels!

Our child of the day, Matthew, read The Skier to us. We may be able to go skiing soon here!

We looked at our Room With a View pictures to talk about the weather around the world. We are hooked up with a school in the Russian Federation! How different...they sent pictures with lots of snow! We also looked at a school in New Zealand where they are heading into summer.

We read the story Come On, Rain as an example of a small moment stretched out by use of details. Gavin finished a story and if you click on the link to the right, student writing, it will take you to our wiki and you can listen as he reads. We'll get everyone up on the wiki as they finish and as time permits!

In reading, we are finishing up our gallery of images from the Pilgrim story. We ran out of time on Friday for our pictures, so we finished up today, drawing our images of the first, long, hard, winter. Tomorrow we will draw our images of the first harvest celebration.

We also had a mystery reader: Simi's mom and baby brother! She read us a fairy tale from China. Simi's dad is in China right now and so is Bradley's, so it was very timely!

We worked on our word wall words and our readers' theater performances. I sent some home on Friday for those students needing a little more practice. Please work with them on their parts.

While 2nd graders were in the gym for their musical dress rehearsal, 1st graders learned about frames and arrows in math.

I quickly went over the homefun with the kids, but we ran out of time. I will go over the Discover/United Streaming Video with them again in the morning.

I hope to see everyone at the 2nd grade musical tonight! It should be a buggy event!

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