
Monday, September 21, 2009

Marvelous Monday

We had our 1st Mystery Reader today!! Mia's mother surprised us and read the book Just Like My Mom! We really enjoyed it. Thank you VERY much for the donation of the book to our classroom. We can enjoy it for years to come!

Today we focused on non fiction and read a biography of George Washington and an autobiography, I Dreamed I was a Ballerina, by Anna Pavlova. We learned that a biography is the TRUE story of a person written by ANOTHER person and that an autobiography is the TRUE story of a person that they wrote themselves.

We also read the book, Something to Tell the Grandcows and learned that authors write for their readers and they share their stories. We share at the end of writers' workshop; sometimes when our writing is done or when we need help.

We reviewed odd and even numbers today and number sense. After library, we read Miss Nelson is Missing and talked about why we have rules and laws. We read about how laws are made. On Thursday, the mayor of Bartlett will visit our classroom as well as the rooms of Mrs. Karsbaek and Mrs. Breitfuss. We will learn more about laws this week before his visit on Thursday morning.

Tomorrow, 2nd graders will take the Math MAP test. Just get a good nights sleep and eat a healthy breakfast, and you will be fine!

Have a GREAT evening!

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