
Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Marvels!

Today we read the book The Art Lesson by Tomie dePaola. I chose this book as most students love to draw and they would be able to connect with the character in the book. The focus of the lesson was to help them understand that readers think about the words and pictures in books becaue it spurs connections, questions, and even some outrage (!) as we read and listen to the story of Tomie dePaola's early experiences with school and art. We will reread the book tomorrow, discuss it further, and then write and/or draw what we think the book was mostly about.

In math, first graders worked on the number line, adding and subtracting one more and one less. They also worked on patterns. Second graders worked on the number grid with numbers over 100 and played coin top it.

In writing, we began an anchor chart of Jerry Pallotta's ABC books (non fiction/informational). We will continue with this tomorrow.

I also wanted to share Grier's writing. I used the ELMO so all could see how she is writing her ABC book. There is LOTS of voice in this:

A is for Animal Alphabet Book!
A is for animal alphabet book! Hi, Reader! Want to go on an animal adventure? Great! We start with Aa, you know the alphabet. Let's go!

A is for anteater. "Slup! I love ants! My mouth is like a vacum tube. I use it to suck ants. Yum!" format...lots of voice...good word choice! Wait till you read the REST of her book!

Tomorrow we have library, so be sure and return your books.

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