
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday Wows!

This is Natalie showing us an example of a "Too Easy" Book. She's holding an outfit that is too little to wear. It was a great outfit (great book), wore it ALL the time, (read it ALL the time), but now it's too little (too easy!).

Now Natalie shows ua about a book that is too challenging by wearing a jacket that is too big. She doesn't fit into the jacket and the book is not a good fit: too challenging, fails the 5 finger rule, unable to understand.

Here's Natalie showing us now what a good fit or just right book is like: the jacket fits (can read MOST of the words), can understand what is being read, can read most of it fluently, and even if there is a tricky word, it doesn't interfere with meaning.

We also built a class rubic of a REAL READER, a SO-SO or OK reader and a Pretend reader. (behavior during readers' workshop that interferes with being to grow as a reader). We'll continue practicing tomorrow on being a Real Reader and picking Just Right Books.

We also got our tadpoles today!

Here are Natalie and Chris observing the tadpoles and filling out their science log. Everyone got a chance to obsere the frogs and complete their log. We will do this everyday, notating changes.

We also began our text talk vocabulary. (See list to the right) These are words that we want kids to have heard and be familiar with them in their reading, writing, and understanding. They will not be tested, there is not a test of spelling, it is simply to help build their vocabulary. Try using them in your conversations with your child.

PE and Music are tomorrow, Thursday. Be sure and wear gym shoes!

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