
Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday Fun

What a busy and fun day! After art and ELL Enrichment time, Grier shared with us a book she is reading: Ida B. It's a GREAT book and I especially enjoyed listening to her as she synthesised the book!

Bradley read us another fun book. What a GREAT job as child of the day!

As we finishing up some of our math and writing projects, and as we worked on our Multiage Memories book, we had a wonderful surprised! Mrs. Torres, a teacher in our room last year, came to read! Last years students were so happy to see her!

Monday we have P.E. and Music, as it is a switch day. We'll have our end of year party in the afternoon. Tuesday, after lunch, weather permitting, we are going outside for some science experiments.

Have a GREAT weekend!

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