
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday Tales!

Our child of the day, Josh, did a great job reading. Enjoy the video!

We began the day talking about the books we are reading at home. I pulled up the wiki and we looked at the responses and talked more about each book. Remember, the students are to make the entries.

We then worked on our new word wall walls and did a 10 minute word spree. We track each month how many words we can write in 10 minutes.

I read the book Those Shoes and we learned more about choosing just right books. Be sure and ask your child if they brought home a book to read from our guided reading or small group reading time. They have to read it at least 3 times to an adult or a fluent reader and a parent has to sign that they read the book. Instructions are included with the books as to what to do.

After readers' workshop we shared about our reading. Chris, Bradley, and Sahithi shared what they read during guided reading and the response they wrote in their books about their book, Diving in the Pool. We learned that books have themes or there is a Big Idea: what the author wanted us to learn from reading the book.

In Writers' Workshop I read the book There's a Big Beautiful World Out There and we learned that writers' write about things in the world. We are working on where writers' get their ideas and we have learned so far that writers' write about their treasures, things that are important to them, and that there are stories everywhere just waiting to be written.

We had indoor recess today because of the rain and then we finished reading the book Gooney B. Greene, which is about a 2nd grade writer. We were able to connect our reading to what we are learning about ideas in writers' workshop.

Math Workshop began with are calendar activities then we did a quick activity on geometry and problem solving. Students then went to complete their Daily Number Review (number sense) and worked on a Columbus Day Math Activity. (Fact Fluency). I worked with 1st graders on number sense then met with 2nd graders to work on relationships between numbers. (<,>,= number sense).

After the workshop time we regrouped and reviewed our Problem Solving Journal and how we solved the problems we were working on. (Problem Solving/expanded math strategies).

Have a GREAT night and don't forget to READ, READ, READ, READ, READ.....

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