
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday!

Alisha was our child of the day and we really enjoyed listening to her read the beautiful story, A Symphony of Whales. Thank you, Alisha!

Bradley was surprised today when his Grandmother June came to visit as our Mystery Reader! She read two books, April Foolishness and Wild About Books. Bradley's mother and brother also came:

Here's a little excerpt for your listening pleasure:

Today in math, 1st graders worked on telling time with seconds and 2nd graders worked on fractions using pattern blocks and geo boards.

In reading, we learned that authors sometimes challenge our thinking with books that have a message to help us understand life. We listened with our hearts as we read the book, Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox.

We also read a story about Anasai the spider as we learned our new vocabulary words. The words were sent home on Monday and you can also find them on our Wiki.

In writing, we wrote a Thank You letter to someone special (sorry....can't's a surprise!) and then worked on our biographies.

We have P.E. and music tomorrow! Have a GREAT night!

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