
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday Tales

Matthew was our Child of the Day and did a GREAT job reading It's Football Time! He chose the book because he likes football! Wonderful reading, Matthew!

Again...we're finishing up our ABC books. Tomorrow will be the last day. I'll work on digital publishing some and we will be hanging them up in the hall way as well. You'll be able to see their digital stories on the wiki once they are done. Digital stories are GREAT keepsakes as you not only see your childs pictures and writing, you can hear them read the story as well. You'll be able to link to the wiki from the blog or the website. I'll let you know when they are ready.

In reading we talked about how through experiences readers grow schema. Another way is through conversatons with others. Tomorrow we will continue with why schema is important. At this point in time I am using lots of concrete examples for them before we delve into using schema to make connections (T-T, T-S, or T-W) and what author schema or text type schema is. Through using concrete examples, I'm working on thinking/metacognition. Reading is ALL about thinking!

In math, we worked on geometry, algebra, and measurement with our pattern blocks. First graders also worked on counting on the number grid. I'll finish that lesson with them tomorrow.

Tomorrow we have art. Have a GREAT night! And...don't forget to sign up for a library card!

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