
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thursday Thrills

It was a very busy day working on our ABC books and story mapping The Little Yellow Chickens House. We also went to P.E. and music. Tomorrow we have art.

Some of the kids are bringing home Daily Goal Setting Sheets to help them make the correct choices during the school day. Ask your child if they have one.

The child is asked to reflect on their day and circle how they felt they did. The first reflection is: I listened carefully during lessons so I could follow directions.

The second reflection is: I tried my best to complete my work. (This is the effort we look for each day!)

And the last reflection is: I only spoke with good purpose. I did not let talking to others interfere with my work or others.

They decide if their behavior deserves a smiley face, a frown, or a sad face, and circle the appropriate response. I then review it with them. What they chose is in pencil. What I chose is in purple and I explain why I agree or disagree with them.

The last thing they decide is what is their goal for tomorrow. And that's easy for everyone: I will follow the 4 C's.

This is not a reflection on their actual work, except did they TRY! This is solely on behavior. When we meet in a conference, we will discuss how they are doing academically, but I want to stop now any behavior that would, could, or is interfering with learning in the classroom.

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